Thursday, December 1, 2022

Christmas Time in The Country 2022

 Christmas in The Country

It will be a new year soon. By habit, we set new goals. Rethink things over, perhaps determined to make some positive changes in our life which is good. Horse people do it too. But should we? I find myself thinking more about holding tight and getting through this crazy time in the world with this war.  What about you? I will leave that one up to you.

I'm listening to the daily reports of the war in Ukraine and feel sympathy for those who have lost their family and loved ones.  I hope all those people in Northern parts of the world have plenty of heat to keep them warm and plenty of food in their bellies. Eva Bartlett from Montreal, Canada, an independent reporter in Russia is helping a local animal shelter. That warms my heart.

How was your year? Mine was quiet and I knew it would be like that.  I lost 3 fur babies in 14 months and will lose another old dog soon due to old age. Time moves on.  I will hug my loved ones more this winter season.  I thought I would compile some sayings and suggestions from some of our peers in the horse industry to give us food for thought:

"Frustration ends where knowledge begins." Clinton Anderson

 "Training needs to follow 3 golden rules: Clarity, Consistency, and Kindness" ~Jane Savoie Dressage

  "No matter what your training goal, inside or outside the show ring, body control isn't a big thing. It's everything. When you can isolate and control all the individual parts of your horse's body, you have a horse that's really, really broke." --Bob Avila."

 "A horse doesn't care how much you know until he knows how much you care." ~Pat Parelli

“You’re only as good as the horses you’re given to train and show, and I have been very fortunate in that department. I can’t give enough thanks to those people who have helped me get where I am today.” ~Shawn Flarida

"Anything forced and misunderstood can never be beautiful.”~ Xenophon

"People ought to quit worrying so much about whispering to their horses and just start listening to them. " ~ Greg Darnall

"When I hear somebody talk about a horse or cow being stupid, I figure it's a sure sign that animal has outfoxed them." ~Tom Dorance

"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and, once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wishing You & Your Family a Very Warm, Healthy Winter

& 2023!

Puttin my spin on horse life in the winter. 
@KISS Reiners

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